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SpitzBros Homestead

New Arrivals

Hatch the Rainbow



We are a small family run homestead in North Texas, roughly 30 minutes north of Dallas, Texas. We moved our family to Texas in 2010 when the "SpitzBros" were 6, 4, 3, and 1 years old. One of the things we promised the boys with our move was that since we were moving to an area with plenty of land, we would get them chickens to raise. In 2012, twelve years ago, they collectively called our bluff and I came home with 8 newly hatched chicks and a mind racing with ideas. Very early on Mr. SpitzBros and I jumped into studying eggshell genetics and quickly decided what our goals were. We wanted a beautiful Easter basket of eggs, every day. After a few years of developing our flocks, I knew I wanted to share this with others, and from there SpitzBros Homestead was officially born.

Our logo is very special to us, in it you can see our entire family. Matt (Mr. SBH), Kate
(me), and our 4 chicks and 1 unhatched egg. That unhatched egg represents our middle son, who was born sleeping. We honor our son right alongside our living children, he is never far from our minds. We love that he is at the center of our logo, right where we keep him in our hearts.

We are so happy to share our appreciation and wonder at the endless beauty of chicken eggs with everyone! This is absolutely a labor of love, and it makes all the hard work of chicken keeping more than worth it. 


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