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  • How often do you do fertility checks?
    We do widespread fertility checks every two weeks, with small sample size checks almost continually.
  • How fresh are the eggs when they're shipped?
    Eggs are no more than 3 days old at time of shipment.
  • Are your birds vaccinated?
    No, we do not vaccinate our flocks. Chicks are given medicated starter feed until they switch to flock raiser and eventually layer crumbles. Our flocks are also free of antibiotics.
  • Do your flocks mix?
    No, only one flock free ranges per day. We do not allow for hens and roosters from separate flocks to range together.
  • What tips do you have for shipped hatching eggs?
    When you receive your eggs, place them in a carton with the pointed end down (large end up) for at least 24 hours to allow air cells to settle. If necessary, you can wait until day 3 to begin turning eggs in the incubator. Incubate in an area out of direct sunlight, and free of any heating or AC drafts. Big swings in both temperature and humidity can greatly impact your hatch. Keep conditions inside the incubator as stable as possible. During lockdown (Day 18-21) and during the hatch, increase your humidity to 55-65%, and do not open your incubator. It can be very tempting to open the incubator and remove hatched chicks while others are still working themselves free, however, this causes a huge swing in the humidity inside the incubator and can directly lead to losses due to chicks becoming "shrink wrapped" in their shells. Remember, chicks can survive 3 days after they hatch off of the nutrients they absorb from the yolk.
  • How often do you ship?
    We ship on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. If needed, we will also ship on Saturdays.
  • Are you planning to begin shipping chicks?
    Yes, we do plan to offer chicks this season after the weather around the country gets a little warmer.
  • Do you offer full or partial refunds for poor hatches?
    No, we do not. To an extent, eggs are always a big gamble (as sad and frustrating as that may be). The reason for this is we are constantly checking our fertility, and only send fresh eggs out, and do all that we can to ensure the safe packaging and shipping of eggs. But unfortunately, we have no control over what happens once eggs begin their journey through the carrier system. Also, there are so many individual factors that go into incubation that we cannot account for everything that could possibly happen that would impact hatch rates. See out policies page for more info. If you have a poor hatch (less than 50% developed) we will offer a discount on a future order. Please know we absolutely want everyone to have a truly wonderful experience, this is something we love that we are excited to share with you.
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