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Heavy Bloom Eggs
  • Heavy Bloom Eggs

    All hens cover their eggs with a protective "bloom" that seals the yolk and white from bacteria and other contaminants. If you ever happen to be right there when one of your hens lays an egg, you will see that it looks wet when laid and then dries very quickly. That "wet" look comes from the protective bloom.

    Typically, the bloom is unnoticeable, but there is an entire world of magic to be seen in the eggs produced by a hen who lays a "heavy bloom". In these eggs the bloom is so heavy and rich that it can partially to completely change entire appearance of the eggshell. It is by and large most common to see this happen with olive or brown eggs. However, as we have been growing and developing our Fibro flock, we are noticing more and more amazing heavy blooms coming from our girls in that pen as well. Some of our best baby pinks come from our Fibro pen!

    The occurrence of blooms is an inexact science, without a doubt. To an extent it is a degree of a game of chance as to whether or not the offspring of a heavy bloom hen will also carry that trait. However, we have spent years and years working with these types of eggs, and have been refining our work with heavy blooms for around 10 years. We have developed from our own stock heavily, and added some extra lines along the way to help mold and shape our current flocks.

    Heavy Blooms can look gray, purple, pink, mauve, and multi-tonal olive and chocolate brown. They can also give a matte appearance to an egg that is actually very speckled. Often these eggs have a shell that looks almost "chalky". One of the most fun things to do with these eggs is to dip them in a little water, or swipe them with a wet fingertip and see the color change before your eyes. The true shell color is revealed when the egg is wet, and the heavy bloom color returns once the egg is dried.

    (If you scrub your eggs, the bloom is removed.)


    Chicks that hatch from Heavy Bloom eggs can be blue, black, or splash and have feathered or clean shanks, and clean faces or beards and muffs. They will look just like your Olive Egger or Speckled chicks and mature birds, but the proof will be in the nesting boxes!

    • Shipping

      Eggs are packaged in custom foam shippers, double boxed, and sent USPS priority two to three day mail. We ship eggs that are a maximum of three days post-lay at time of shipping.  We do our very best to protect the eggs from rough handling, but we have no control over what happens to the box once it leaves our possession. 

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